The Exams Office liaises with JCQ to support exam centres

Supporting Exams Officers and their centres

The Exams Office welcomes JCQ to its National Exams Officer Conferences

For all JCQ information, please visit the JCQ website

If exams officers need to contact JCQ regarding exams administration related queries, please email – for other queries see contact details here

JCQ information

Refer to the Exams Office section of the JCQ website where you will find the most essential JCQ documents which will help you in your role as an examinations officer. This section has been structured in line with the key activities of the exam cycle, ranging from key dates, access arrangements, conducting exams to results and post results services.

Also refer to additional information on the JCQ website including:

About JCQ

Support for Exams Officers




Examination Results 

Examination System

News Releases

Videos and Infographics

About A2C

Centres delivering JCQ member awarding body qualifications which come under the common arrangements must conduct exams and assessments in accordance with JCQ’s current regulations, guidance and instructions which include:

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 20 September 2023)

(Last published June 2024)

(Last published 14 August 2023) Note that any queries regarding special consideration must be directed to the relevant awarding body and not to JCQ

(Last published 4 September 2023)

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 15 September 2023; Revision two: 19 January 2024; Revision three: 6 March 2024)

(Last published 14 August 2023; Revision one: 12 December 2023)

(Last published 15 August 2023; Revision one: 12 December 2023)

(Last published 12 April 2024)

(Last published 18 September 2023; Revision one: 6 March 2024)

The Exams Office invited to join the Independent Commission into Malpractice…

Following the JCQ’s announcement in July 2018 of the launch of an independent industry-led Commission into examination malpractice chaired by Sir John Dunford, The Exams Office confirmed they would be contributing to the work of the Commission

The Exams Office was the only Exams Officer representative organisation invited to join the Commission

JCQ 2024/25 publications

Below is a useful overview of publications as made available by JCQ on its website for 2024/25 – for all the most essential  JCQ documents, please visit the Exams Office area of the JCQ website here.

These include:

Key Dates – January 2025 (published July 2024)

JCQ Appeals booklet (A guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes) Effective from June 2024 examination series (published June 2024)

Key Dates – January 2025 (published June 2024)

Key Dates – June 2025 (published May 2024)

Post-Results Services – June 2024 series and November 2024 series (published April 2024)

Infographic – Post-Results Services, Summer 2024 (published April 2024)

Key Dates – November 2024 (published December 2023)


JCQ 2023/24 publications

These include:

Key VTQ results dates – Summer 2024 (published July 2024)

A summary of the updates to the JCQ AI Use in Assessments guidance and AI Use support documents to provide more support to teachers and students (published February 2024)

Guidance for centres on cyber security Effective from November 2023 (published November 2023)

Information for centres affected by RAAC – the delivery of non-examination assessments and the special consideration process

Instructions for conducting Functional Skills assessments (English and Mathematics) (published 13 October 2023)

Suspected Malpractice: Policies and Procedures (published September 2023)

FAQs – Using calculators (published August 2023)

Exam Room Incident Log and Centre Emergency Evacuation Procedure (updated August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023):

Instructions for conducting GCSE & GCE Modern Foreign Languages & Irish Listening examinations

Exam Materials Receipt Log – Point of Delivery

Exam Materials Receipt Log – Exams Officer

Pre-series Checklist

Exam Day Checklist

Notice to Centres – The people present

Checklist for invigilators (written examinations)

Notice to Centres – Examination contingency plan/examinations policy – Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023)

Information for candidates documents – With effect from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023)

  • Coursework assessments 
  • Non-examination assessments
  • On-screen tests
  • Written examinations

A guide to the special consideration process 2023/24 (published August 2023)

Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments 2023-2024 (published August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023:

Instructions for conducting coursework 2023-2024 (published August 2023)

Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments 2023-2024 (published August 2023)

Effective from 1 September 2023 (published August 2023):

Notice to Centres – Informing candidates of their centre assessed marks

Reviews of marking – centre assessed marks
(GCE coursework, GCE and GCSE non-examination assessments, Project qualifications) 
Suggested template for centres

Notice to Centres – Sharing NEA material and candidates’ work 

Reasonable Adjustments for GCE A-level sciences Endorsement of practical skills 

Online forms (published August 2023)

  • Guidance notes – Transferred Candidate arrangements 2023/24
  • Guidance notes for overnight supervision of candidates with a timetable variation 2023/24
  • Guidance notes – Alternative Site arrangements 2023/24
  • Guidance notes – Centre Consortium arrangements 2023/24
  • Guidance notes – Very Late Arrival Form 2023/24