The Exams Office does not offer access to our online invigilator training and assessment modules to third parties (e.g. supply agencies) or any commercial/for profit organisation

Third parties – such as a supply agency – requiring training for their invigilators, should email

All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

If agreed, the following support can be offered:

  • A face-to-face training session based upon the JCQ Instructions for conducting examinations document. Please note that this session will be delivered in 3-3.5 hours
  • *A pdf copy of the slides/content of the training session
  • *An attendance certificate for each invigilator attending the training session
  • *A completed Invigilator Training Record
  • A Centre Specific Invigilator Training Record (invigilators must take this to the centre and ask for information relating to each area)
  • *A letter from The Exams Office confirming the training/support offered to invigilators from the supply agency/third party


*The above documentation marked with an asterisk must be shared with centres to address JCQ requirements as set out in section 12.6 of the Instructions for conducting examinations document as follows:

When contracting supply staff to act as invigilators the head of centre must ensure that they are competent and fully trained, understanding what is and what is not permissible.
An assurance from a recruitment agency, for example, would not on its own be sufficient.


The cost of this training is based upon the trainer’s travel/accommodation requirements, but starts from:

  • £595+vat – Invigilator training for up to 25 invigilators. More than 25 invigilators are charged at £25 per invigilator
  • £310+vat – To access The Exams Office materials

Approved third parties

Any third party (including supply agency) which has received training/support from The Exams Office will present the following information to a centre:

  • A pdf copy of the slides/content of the training session
  • An attendance certificate for each invigilator attending the training session
  • A completed Invigilator Training Record
  • A letter from The Exams Office confirming the training/support offered to invigilators from the supply agency/third party


The third parties which are approved by The Exams Office (they have received face-to-face training and the documentation listed above from The Exams Office) are:

Neither The Exams Office or its trainers take any responsibility for the actions of invigilators in examinations following this training. Trainers will deliver a pre-defined training programme, and it is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that invigilators are familiar with the specific centre requirements.