A series of  guides created to help members of The Exams Office gain access to and effectively use our online resources within the Members area (The Exams Office Hub)

How to get the most from your centre membership

How to get the most from your membership to The Exams Office

A series of videos which highlight some of the key areas of support and services available to centres and exams officers as part of their membership to The Exams Office:

  • Training events
  • National Conferences
  • Support for new exams officers (video to be added shortly)
  • Policy Generator Tool (PGT) and exam policy templates (video to be added shortly)
  • Key Documents (video to be added shortly)
  • Invigilator training resources (video to be added shortly)

The Exams Office Hub – Invigilator support

Invigilators: How to access and complete online training and assessments

A guide to support invigilators in accessing and successfully completing the invigilator training and assessment units and accreditation within The Exams Office Hub

The Exams Office Hub – Exams Officer support

How to create and manage user (including invigilator) accounts

A guide to creating accounts for exams assistants, senior leaders/line managers and invigilators, including how to upload multiple users. This video also highlights how you can view, amend and delete accounts and track user activity/progress when completing an assessment(s)

How to access online training and assessments

A guide to accessing, completing and submitting an online assessment. These are available for senior leaders, exams officers (new and experienced) and invigilators to complete each academic year to meet JCQ requirements

How to access Key Documents

A guide to accessing the guides, checklists and templates produced by The Exams Office

How to use the Exams Timetable Tool

A guide to accessing and using the Exams Timetable Tool and creating centre or candidate exam timetables

How to use the Key Dates Calendar Tool

A guide to accessing and using the Key Dates Calendar Tool and creating centre calendars

How to use the Policy Generator Tool

A guide which explains how to access the Policy Generator Tool and create and edit policies/procedures using our interactive online templates

How to access Training Videos

How to access and view our range of exams officer and invigilator training videos