A series of  guides created to help members of The Exams Office gain access to and effectively use our online resources within the Members area (The Exams Office Hub)
How to get the most from your centre membership
Highlighting some of the key areas of support and services available to centres and exams officers as part of their membership to The Exams Office:
A guide to support invigilators in accessing and successfully completing the invigilator training and assessment units and accreditation within The Exams Office Hub
Information and instructions on creating accounts  for other centre users, including invigilators, either individually or in bulk, and how to manage users and their assessments
Information and instructions on how to access and view our range of exams officer/invigilator training videos, Instructions for candidates and Invigilator announcement videos
A guide which explains how to access the Policy Generator Tool and create and edit/review/update policies/procedures using our interactive online templates
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